Tuesday 16 July 2013

Week 10 - Almost at the end of My First Round of 12WBT

So this is the 10th Week and I have done fairly well and I am happy with my progress and I am hoping that I will reach the below 90 kg mark and that will mean that I will have lost 10 kgs in my first round.

I have had my ups and downs and last Wednesday was a really bad day as I was very tired and that made me very depressed. I then had a binge of bad food which I enjoyed for a brief time. I took it on board and it did make me feel better for a little while, which then helped me get out of my depression and then I was well on the track again.

I have found that this is one of the best lessons from 12WBT. If you do something that isn't part of the program, then own it, accept it and then get passed it.

I have had quite a few lapses over the last week or two and I need to keep my head in the game so that I will lose the last couple of kilos to make the below 90 kg mark.

So that's how it's been going for the moment and I hope to blog happy news at the end of the 12 weeks

